@inproceedings{ BURGOS-SANCHEZ_Moya-dieguez_Rola-morilla_Herrero-hahn_ESTEBAN_PUENTE_Mota-romero_MONTOYA,
author = { JOSE BURGOS-SANCHEZ and Rocio Moya-dieguez and Gabriela Rola-morilla and Raquel Herrero-hahn and ANA ALEJANDRA ESTEBAN BURGOS and DANIEL PUENTE and Emilio Mota-romero and RAFAEL MONTOYA JUĂREZ } ,
title = { Relevance and Viability of End-of-Life Standards in Spanish Nursing Homes: Are Staff and Primary Care Workers at the Same Point? },
booktitle = { 16th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care },
year = { 2019 },
pages = { None - None },
location = { BERLIN - GERMANY },