@inproceedings{ PÉREZ_MUÑOZ_Fernández_Carrasco-sánchez_García-navarro_Cogollos-martínez_CRUZ,

author = { MARIA NIEVES PÉREZ MARFIL and ANTONIO MUÑOZ VINUESA and Manuel Fernández Alcántara and Claudia Carrasco-sánchez and Xiomara García-navarro and Juan Cogollos-martínez and FRANCISCO CRUZ QUINTANA } ,

title = { Relationships between neuropsychological functioning, sociodemographic variables and academic performance in a sample of Cuban boys and girls },

booktitle = { International Research Seminar ¿Comprehensive stufy of well-being throughout life: Physical activity and nutrition influences },

year = { 2023 },

pages = { None - None },

location = { Atenas, Grecia },
