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G. Pocovi-Gerardino, M. Correa Rodriguez, J.L. Callejas Rubio, R. Rios Fernandez, N. Ortego Centeno and B. Rueda Medina,  "Diet Quality and High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein in Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus", "Biological Research for Nursing." , vol.21, 107-117, 2019
M. Correa Rodriguez, G. Pocovi-Gerardino, J.L. Callejas Rubio, R. Rios Fernandez, M. Martin-Amada, G. Cruz-Caparrós and B. Rueda Medina,  "The Prognostic Nutritional Index and Nutritional Risk Index Are Associated with Disease Activity in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus", "Nutrients" , vol.11, 638-, 2019
M.P. Garcia Caro, R. Montoya Juárez, L. Sierra -Leguía, M. Lopez Morales and A. Montalvo-Prieto,  "INDEX de Enfermería", "Index de Enfermería" , vol.28, -, 2019
O. García-Bermúdez, F. Cruz Quintana, M. Pérez García, N.A. Hidalgo Ruzzante, M. Fernández Alcántara and M.N. Pérez Marfil,  "Improvement of executive functions after the application of a neuropsychological intervention program (PEFEN) in pre-term children", "Children and Youth Services Review" , vol.98, 328-336, 2019
O. Palma-Candia, C. Hueso Montoro, C. Martí García, M. Fernández Alcántara, C.P. Campos Calderón and R. Montoya Juárez,  "Understanding the Occupational Adaptation Process and Well-Being of Older Adults in Magallanes (Chile): A Qualitative Study", "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health" , vol.16, -, 2019
M. Correa Rodriguez, J. Mansouri-Yachou, A. Casas Barragán, F.J. Molina-Ortega, B. Rueda Medina and M.E. Aguilar Ferrándiz,  "The association of body mass index and body composition with pain, disease activity, fatigue, sleep and anxiety in women with fibromyalgia", "Nutrients" , vol.11, 1193-, 2019
Á. Fernández Aparicio, J. Schmidt Rio-Valle, J. Sanchez-Perona, M. Correa Rodriguez, J.M. Castellano-Orozco and E. González Jiménez,  "Potential protective effect of Oleanolic acid on the components of metabolic syndrome: A systematic review", "Journal of Clinical Medicine" , vol.8, 1294-, 2019
C. Capilla Díaz, C. Bonill De Las Nieves, R. Montoya-Juárez, J.M. Morales-Asencio, M.N. Pérez Marfil and C. Hueso Montoro,  "Living with an intestinal stoma: a qualitative systematic review", "Qualitative Health Research" , vol.29, 1255-11265, 2019

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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