@Article{ RUEDA_Aguilar-ferrandiz_ESTEBAN_TAPIA_Casas_Velando_Gil_CORREA,
author = { BLANCA RUEDA MEDINA and María Encarnación Aguilar-ferrandiz and ANA ALEJANDRA ESTEBAN BURGOS and ROSA MARÍA TAPIA HARO and Antonio Casas Barragán and Almudena Velando Soriano and María del Rocío Gil Gutiérrez and MARIA CORREA RODRIGUEZ } ,
title = { Impact of Non-Face-to-Face Teaching with Passive Training on Personal Protective Equipment Use in Health Science Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial },
journal = { International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health },
year = { 2022 },
volume = { 19 },
pages = { 12981- },