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M.E. Aguilar Ferrándiz, A. Casas Barragán, R.M. Tapia Haro, M.D.A. Rus-Martínez, F.J. Molina-Ortega and M. Correa Rodriguez,  "Evaluation of sympathetic adrenergic branch of cutaneous neural control throughout thermography and its relationship to nitric oxide levels in patients with fibromyalgia", "Journal of Thermal Biology" , vol.95, 102813-, 2021
M. Fernández Alcántara, F. Cruz Quintana, C.K. Kokou-Kpolou and M.N. Pérez Marfil,  "Editorial: New Perspectives in Bereavement and Loss: Complicated and Disenfranchised Grief Along the Life Cycle", "Frontiers in Psychology" , vol.Mayo 2021, -, 2021
M.D.R. Gil Gutiérrez "Esperando lo inesperado: Relato de una paciente con Cáncer de mama ", "Evidentia" , vol.v18, -, 2021
M. Abu-Ejheisheh, M. Correa Rodriguez, Á. Fernández Aparicio, A. Batran, M.J. Membrive Jiménez and J. Schmidt Rio-Valle,  "Obesity-related parameters are associated with blood pressure in Palestinian children", "Biological Research for Nursing." , vol.23, 151-159, 2021
B. Rueda Medina, J.L. Gómez Urquiza, E. Molina-Rivas, R.M. Tapia Haro, M.E. Aguilar Ferrándiz and M. Correa Rodriguez,  "A Combination of Self-debriefing and Instructor-Led Debriefing Improves Team Effectiveness in Health Science Students", "Nurse Educator" , vol.46, 7-11, 2021
C.F. Navarro Pérez, Á. Fernández Aparicio, E. González Jiménez, M.Á. Montero Alonso and J. Schmidt Rio-Valle,  "Effects of COVID-19 lockdown on the dietary habits and lifestyle in a population in southern Spain: a cross-sectional questionnaire", "European Journal of Clinical Nutrition" , 1-8, 2021
A. De Piñar-Prats and M. Fernández Alcántara,  "Needs and Support Perceived by Women for Coping with the Experience of Intimate Partner Violence in Andalusia (Spain): A Qualitative Study", "Journal of Interpersonal Violence" , vol.Abril 2021, 1-21, 2021
B. Rueda Medina, J. Schmidt Rio-Valle, E. González Jiménez, Á. Fernández Aparicio, M.E. Aguilar Ferrándiz and M. Correa Rodriguez,  "Peer Debriefing Versus Instructor-Led Debriefing for Nursing Simulation", "Journal of Nursing Education" , vol.60, 90-95, 2021

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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