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M.E. Aguilar Ferrándiz, A. Casas Barragán, R.M. Tapia Haro, M.D.A. Rus-Martínez, F.J. Molina-Ortega
M. Correa Rodriguez,
"Evaluation of sympathetic adrenergic branch of cutaneous neural control throughout thermography and its relationship to nitric oxide levels in patients with fibromyalgia", "Journal of Thermal Biology"
, vol.95, 102813-, 2021
M. Fernández Alcántara, F. Cruz Quintana, C.K. Kokou-Kpolou
M.N. Pérez Marfil,
"Editorial: New Perspectives in Bereavement and Loss: Complicated and Disenfranchised Grief Along the Life Cycle", "Frontiers in Psychology"
, vol.Mayo 2021, -, 2021
M.D.R. Gil Gutiérrez "Esperando lo inesperado: Relato de una paciente con Cáncer de mama ", "Evidentia"
, vol.v18, -, 2021
M. Abu-Ejheisheh, M. Correa Rodriguez, Á. Fernández Aparicio, A. Batran, M.J. Membrive Jiménez
J. Schmidt Rio-Valle,
"Obesity-related parameters are associated with blood pressure in Palestinian children", "Biological Research for Nursing."
, vol.23, 151-159, 2021
A. Fasfous, M.N. Pérez Marfil, F. Cruz Quintana, M. Pérez García, H.R. Al-Yamani
M. Fernández Alcántara,
"Differences in Neuropsychological Performance between Refugee and Non-Refugee Children in Palestine", "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health"
, vol.18, 5750-, 2021
A. De Piñar-Prats
M. Fernández Alcántara,
"Needs and Support Perceived by Women for Coping with the Experience of Intimate Partner Violence in Andalusia (Spain): A Qualitative Study", "Journal of Interpersonal Violence"
, vol.Abril 2021, 1-21, 2021
B. Rueda Medina, J.L. Gómez Urquiza, E. Molina-Rivas, R.M. Tapia Haro, M.E. Aguilar Ferrándiz
M. Correa Rodriguez,
"A Combination of Self-debriefing and Instructor-Led Debriefing Improves Team Effectiveness in Health Science Students", "Nurse Educator"
, vol.46, 7-11, 2021
B. Rueda Medina, J. Schmidt Rio-Valle, E. González Jiménez, Á. Fernández Aparicio, M.E. Aguilar Ferrándiz
M. Correa Rodriguez,
"Peer Debriefing Versus Instructor-Led Debriefing for Nursing Simulation", "Journal of Nursing Education"
, vol.60, 90-95, 2021
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024