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S. Navarro Prado, E. González Jiménez, J. Perona, M.Á. Montero Alonso, M. Lopez Bueno and J. Schmidt Rio-Valle,  "Need of improvement of diet and life habits among university student regardless of religion professed.", "Appetite" , vol. 114, 1 July 2017, P, 6-14, 2017
M. Fernández Alcántara, C. Martí García, F. Cruz Quintana, M. Pérez García, A. Catena Martínez and M.N. Pérez Marfil,  "Assessment of valence, arousal and subjective frequency of the use of a battery of affective words related to death", "Estudios de Psicología" , vol.38, 794-802, 2017
M. Fernández Alcántara, C. Correa, A. Muñoz, M.T. Salvatierra, T. Fuentes and C. Laynez,  "Parenting a child with a learning disability: a qualitative approach", "International Journal of Disability, Development and Education" , -, 2017
P. Guardia-Mancilla, R. Montoya Juárez, M. Expósito-Ruiz, C. Hueso Montoro, M.P. Garcia Caro and F. Cruz Quintana,  "Variability in professional practice among departments explains the type of end-of-life care but not the difficulty of professionals with decision-making", "Estudios de Psicología" , vol.38, 707-733, 2017
M. Correa Rodriguez, J. Schmidt Rio-Valle and B. Rueda Medina,  "RANKL/RANK/OPG Polymorphisms and Heel Quantitative Ultrasound in Young Adults.", "Nursing Research" , vol.62, 145-151, 2017
J. Sanchez-Perona, J. Schmidt Rio-Valle, B. Rueda Medina, M. Correa Rodriguez and E. González Jiménez,  "Waist circumference shows the highest predictive value for metabolic syndrome, and waist-to-hip ratio for its components, in Spanish adolescents", "Nutrition Research" , vol.45, 38-45, 2017
R. Herrero-Hahn, J.G. Rojas, J.M. Ospina-Díaz, R. Montoya Juárez, J.C. Restrepo-Medrano and C. Hueso Montoro,  "Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Cultural Self-Efficacy Scale for Colombian Nursing Professionals", "Journal of Transcultural Nursing" , vol.8 , 195-202, 2017
R. Herrero-Hahn and M. Cruz-Fernández,  "¿Es efectivo el uso combinado de plantillas posturales y órtesis tobillo¿pie en la mejora del equilibrio estático y funcional en niños con parálisis cerebral?", "Evidentia" , vol.14, -, 2017

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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