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E. Mota-Romero, O. Rodríguez-Landero, R. Moya-Dieguez, G.M. Cano-Garzón, R. Montoya Juárez and D. Puente ,  "Information and Advance Care Directives for End-of-Life Residents with and without Dementia in Nursing Homes", "Healthcare" , vol.11, 353-, 2023
Á. Fernández Aparicio, J. Sanchez-Perona, J. Schmidt Rio-Valle, M.Á. Montero Alonso, C.F. Navarro Pérez and E. González Jiménez,  "cMetS Based on Z-Scores as an Accurate and Efficient Scoring System to Determine Metabolic Syndrome in Spanish Adolescents", "Journal of Personalized Medicine" , vol.13, 10-, 2023
S. Del Olmo-Romero, M. Correa Rodriguez, M. Sánchez-Martínez, R. Gil-Gutierrez, N. Ortego Centeno and B. Rueda Medina,  "Social Health and Its Influence on Metabolic Health Among a Rural Population: A Cross-Sectional Study", "Clinical Nursing Research" , vol.33, 9-18, 2023
M. Gómez-Brufal Flores, C. Hueso Montoro, A.A. Esteban Burgos, R. Montoya Juárez, E. Mota-Romero, C. Capilla Díaz and D. Puente ,  "Attitudes and experiences related to the deaths of COVID-19 patients among nursing staff: A qualitative evidence synthesis", "Journal of Advanced Nursing" , -, 2023
B. Pérez, J.M. Morales-Asencio, M.J. Peláez-Cantero, S. García-Mayor, J.C. Canca-Sanchez and C. Martí García,  "Fatigue, quality of life, and use of healthcare resources in children with complex chronic diseases", "Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra" , vol.45, -, 2022
J.L. Gómez Urquiza, L. Albendin García, M. Correa Rodriguez, M.B. Martos, A. Velando Soriano and N. Suleiman Martos,  "Machine learning methods applied to triage in emergency services: A systematic review", "International Emergency Nursing" , vol.60, -, 2022
S. García-Sanjuan, M. Fernández Alcántara, V. Clement-Carbonell, C.P. Campos Calderón, N. Orts-Beneito and M.J. Cabañero-Martínez,  "Levels and Determinants of Place-Of-Death Congruence in Palliative Patients: A Systematic Review", "Frontiers in Psychology" , vol.12, -, 2022
A. De Piñar-Prats, M. Fernández Alcántara and M.N. Pérez Marfil,  "Needs and supports perceived by women in coping with an experience of intimate partner violence in Andalusia (Spain): a qualitative study", "Journal of Interpersonal Violence" , vol.37, 14289-14309, 2022

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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